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World Exclusive: Vladimir Putin Kicks Off The Orthodox Union With Serbia

The member countries: Russia, Serbia, Republika Srpska and Belarus

World Exclusive: Vladimir Putin Kicks Off The Orthodox Union With Serbia

NEW YORK ( — The United Kingdom has targeted Patriarch Kirill, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as other allies of Vladimir Putin, in its latest round of sanctions, but freedom of religion in Russia is seen to depend on freedom of national identity. The Marxist legacy, and the predilections of Russian Orthodoxy—religion and nationalism are inextricably intertwined. The Russian Orthodox Church has never been keen to recognize the legitimacy of other national churches and frequently has described them as nationalist political fronts rather than authentically religious bodies. The fear of a spill over of the Russia-Ukraine war looms large on Baltic states, but also other western neighbours of Russia, and is fueled by irreconcilable accounts of historical grievances. Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had a meeting with the butcher of Banja Luka Milorad Dodik on the sidelines of the SPIEF 2022. According to exclusive Rich TVX News Network sources with ties to the Kremlin leadership, Vladimir Putin is working together with Milorad Dodik and Aleksandar Vučić to establish a new union of the Orthodox Church. The official launch of the new Orthodox Union will take place in Serbia. The member countries: Russia, Serbia, Republika Srpska and Belarus.