The Systematic Repression of Aleksandar Vučić

Serbia’s Mad Dog Aleksandar Vučić: Regime Attacks Students with Directed-Energy Weapons!

Serbia’s Ruthless Tyrant Aleksandar Vučić Orders Energy Weapon Attack on Students!

It is unfortunate that Aleksandar Vučić’s mother, Angelina, did not have an abortion before March 5, 1970. When Rich TVX News Network warned that the Aleksandar Vučić regime would attack students on March 15, 2025, we were met with skepticism and ridicule. Many dismissed our reporting. Well, thank you for not trusting us. In the future, you may need to find another outlet willing to report on the crimes of this regime. Our last message to our critics: Apologies if we seem too blunt, but quite frankly, go take a hike.

Yesterday, as students observed a 15-minute silence in memory of the 15 victims of last November’s train station collapse, they were suddenly attacked with a directed-energy weapon (DEW). Panic erupted as people fell over each other, desperately trying to escape. A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that inflicts damage using highly focused energy—such as lasers, microwaves, particle beams, or sound waves—without a solid projectile. These weapons are capable of targeting personnel, missiles, vehicles, and optical devices.

The attempted murder of students in Serbia was not a random act of violence but a deliberate decision made at the highest levels of the Vučić regime. The ever-untrustworthy Vučić-controlled media has downplayed the severity of this attack, but emerging evidence from independent sources and social media clearly implicates the Serbian leadership. Without the opposition stepping up, the regime won’t give way. It’s also worth investigating who siphoned the student crowds away from the parliament to Slavija yesterday. What is Klaus Schwab doing on the cover? Well, Klaus Schwab is shielding the Aleksandar Vučić regime with his protective hand.

This incident follows a disturbing pattern of repression and targeted violence under Aleksandar Vučić’s rule, including the assassinations of Oliver Ivanović and Vladimir Cvijan, as well as the near-fatal attack on Nikola Sandulović. It is crucial to recognize that Vučić is the driving force behind the radicalization of the BIA (Serbia’s intelligence agency) and its policy of political extermination. Without Vučić, Serbia would not be plagued by the endless cycle of repression and death.

The Rich TVX Bulletin aims to provide documentary video proof of Vučić’s central role in the March 15 Belgrade attack, even though he has carefully concealed written orders, relied on coded language, and distanced himself from the direct implementation of these actions. The Serbian MUP is lying, as always. Even if the number of people was around 1 million, the MUP is trying to present it as only 107,000, which is laughable.

There is growing evidence that the Serbian government had alternative plans for a so-called ‘final solution’ to the student issue, potentially involving deportation. Since December, anti-student sentiment under the Aleksandar Vučić regime has sharply intensified, peaking in mid-March. Vučić seems to believe that Serbia’s problems can only be solved by eliminating students and political opponents—either by stripping them of their economic power or, if they resist, through physical extermination. The Serbian people must now confront an urgent question: How far will Aleksandar Vučić go in his war against dissent.

Watch ‘Sound Cannon, Belgrade, Serbia 15.3.2025’


What happened on March 15, 2025, in Serbia?

On March 15, 2025, while students in Serbia observed a 15-minute silence in memory of the 15 victims of last November’s train station collapse, they were attacked with a directed-energy weapon (DEW). This weapon caused panic and chaos, with people desperately trying to escape.

What is a directed-energy weapon (DEW)?

A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that uses highly focused energy—such as lasers, microwaves, particle beams, or sound waves—to inflict damage without a solid projectile. These weapons can target personnel, vehicles, missiles, and optical devices.

Why was the attack on students in Serbia not a random act of violence?

The attack was not random but rather a deliberate decision by the highest levels of the Aleksandar Vučić regime. The attack is seen as part of a larger pattern of repression and violence, following previous incidents such as assassinations and targeted attacks on political opponents.

How has the Vučić-controlled media responded to the attack?

The Vučić-controlled media has downplayed the severity of the attack. Despite this, independent sources and social media have provided evidence implicating the Serbian leadership in orchestrating the violence.

What is the ‘final solution’ the Serbian government is accused of considering?

There is growing evidence that the Serbian government, under Aleksandar Vučić, may be considering a ‘final solution’ to the student issue, which could involve deportation or elimination. This policy has been escalating since December, with anti-student sentiment reaching a peak in March 2025.

What is the future of dissent in Serbia under Vučić’s rule?

Under Vučić’s leadership, there is an increasing risk for dissenters. The government’s tactics are shifting toward elimination of students and political opponents, either through economic suppression or physical extermination. The Serbian people face an urgent question of how far Vučić will go in his war against political opposition and freedom of expression.

Watch ‘Sound Cannon Disrupted 15-Minute Silence for the Victims of Novi Sad’

Watch ‘While the Silence Lasted, the Sound Cannon Targeted Students #students #protest’