ESCOBARgate — What in the world is really wrong with Gabriel Escobar?!

The Gabriel Escobar scandal that destroys the reputation of the U.S. Department of State

ESCOBARgate — What in the world is really wrong with Gabriel Escobar?!

NEW YORK ( — We’ve got breaking news: As previously written, the most radioactive of all of those Gabriel Escobar scandals is the very last one shown below — ESCOBARgate. The primary scandal is the ongoing Gabriel Escobar — directed failure in connection with the North Kosovo crisis that continually morphs from one massive scandal into another. Of all the scandals, this one is by far the most radioactive to the United States Department of State (DoS). Well, Gabriel Escobar, the Deputy Assistant Secretary overseeing policy towards the countries of the Western Balkans and the Office of Press and Public Diplomacy, has become so corrupt in his individual conduct that the DoS will have no choice but distance itself from Gabriel Escobar sooner than later. There are now so many Gabriel Escobar scandals in connection with his activities in the Western Balkans, and so much abuse of power perpetrated by this man alone, that it boggles the mind. What better way to humiliate the United States of America — right during the holidays — than to invite the war criminal Aleksandar Vučić to the United States of America again, even if Aleksandar Vučić´s crimes are well documented over the last decades. Gabriel Escobar is intentionally ruining the Christmas season with an utterly reckless and politically grotesque invitation of the Serbian bloodthirsty dictator Aleksandar Vučić to the United States of America. When sleeping folks of the disciplinary department of the DoS finally come to the correct understanding that Gabriel Escobar did not act in the interests of the United States by inviting Aleksandar Vučić again, you will know this is the BIGGEST scandal of all just waiting to explode across the United States Department of State. The Serbian army said it is at its “highest level of combat readiness” after weeks of escalating tensions between Serbia and Kosovo. Dictator Aleksandar Vučić said he will “take all measures to protect our people and preserve Serbia”. No wonder Gabriel Escobar justifies his activities with the North Kosovo crisis. REALLY?!?! This is why the meme: “Gabriel Escobar didn’t solve the North Kosovo crisis” is so critical to exposing the true depth and breadth of the ESCOBARgate. The 2022 North Kosovo crisis was quite deliberately staged by Serbian dictator Aleksandar Vučić as a means of distracting from his own crimes, as well as from numerous other scandals. His protector Gabriel Escobar, of course like always, failed to notice this.breaking news headlines

Gabriel Escobar Is Accused Of Violating His Oath

The United States Department of State (DoS) needs to fire Gabriel Escobar due to the scandal, but they have no clue about his activities in the Western Balkans. Take a good look at Gabriel Escobar, because he’s the poster child of the Deep State! Even the FBI in Washington D.C., and the U.S. Department of the Treasury who were immediately informed are helpless against Gabriel Escobar. What makes the ESCOBARgate so bad for the reputation of the United States Department of State is that Gabriel Escobar has succeeded in pissing off even the real opposition politicians in Serbia. More significantly, the United States Department of State exposed its corrupt and criminal deep state operatives as no executive department of the U.S. federal government has ever done in history. Funny enough, even the fake ever-untrustworthy Aleksandar Vučić Serbian state media has easily seen through the Gabriel Escobar charade, but half of those Serbian presstitutes didn´t see that at all; the other half has no conscience. Hence, Gabriel Escobar´s activities in the Western Balkans have driven a stake deep into the heart of the U.S. federal government, which will soon manifest well beyond the new year. Gabriel Escobar is accused of violating his oath of office as a State Department employee, and he knows very well that when the sleeping folks from the disciplinary department of the DoS finally wake up, it ain’t gonna be pretty.

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2022 North Kosovo crisis

Beginning on 31 July 2022, tensions between Serbia and Kosovo[a] heightened due to the expiration of the eleven-year validity period of documents for cars on 1 August 2022, between the government of Kosovo and the Serbs in North Kosovo. Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008, signed an agreement with Serbia in 2011 that concluded on the use of license plates in North Kosovo, which was supposed to change from the ones that were issued by Serbia to neutral ones. The agreement was extended in 2016 and it expired in 2021, after which a crisis occurred and it ended with an agreement that ended the ban of Kosovo-issued license plates in Serbia. After the announcement that Serbian citizens who enter Kosovo will receive entry and exit documents, a number of barricades were built in North Kosovo on 31 July 2022 but were removed two days later after Kosovo announced that it would postpone the ban on license plates issued by Serbia. In August 2022, unsuccessful negotiations regarding license plates were held, although the ID document dispute was solved. A proposed agreement was sent to Aleksandar Vučić, the president of Serbia, and Albin Kurti, the prime minister of Kosovo, the next month, although no progress has been made yet regarding the proposed agreement. Kurti declined to postpone the deadline for license plates and instead announced a phased implementation that would last until April 2023. This began in November, and early on in the month, a number of Kosovo Serb police officers, mayors, judges, and members of parliament from the Serb List resigned from government institutions. Kosovo and Serbia negotiated again during November 2022 and they had found an agreement on 23 November 2022 which settled that license plates that Serbia issued would continue to be in use in North Kosovo. In December, Serbia submitted a request to Kosovo Force for the deployment of up to 1,000 Serbian military and police forces in Kosovo; observers disputed whether it has the right to deploy forces. Another number of barricades were set up in North Kosovo on 10 December 2022, after which Serbian far-right groups staged protests in support of Kosovo Serbs in Serbia. Kosovo formally signed an application to seek the candidate status for European Union membership on 14 December 2022.

Gabriel Escobar

This Gabriel Is Not An Angel

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Gabriel Escobar

Gabriel Escobar is the Deputy Assistant Secretary overseeing policy towards the countries of the Western Balkans and the Office of Press and Public Diplomacy. Previously, he served as the Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy Belgrade. His leadership positions in the Department of State include Economic Minister Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Coordinator for Cuban Affairs in the Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs from 2017-2018, the Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia 2014-2017, Consul General at the U.S. Consulate General in Peshawar, Pakistan 2013-2014, and Team Leader of the U.S. Provincial Reconstruction Team in Kirkuk, Iraq 2009-2010.

From 1998-2001, Gabriel completed four consecutive tours in the former Yugoslavia, including serving as the Chief of Staff for the Office of the High Representative in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Head of the Embassy Branch Office in Banja Luka, the Deputy Head of the U.S. Diplomatic Liaison Team in Podgorica, and Political Unit Chief in Belgrade shortly after the U.S. Embassy reopened in 2001. In the Bureau of European Affairs, Gabriel has served as the Counselor for Political and Economic Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Lisbon, Deputy Political Counselor in Rome, and Political-Military Officer in Prague, and Vice-Consul in Moscow.

A career diplomat, he has been awarded the State Department’s Superior Honor Award six times and the Meritorious Honor Award once. He has also been awarded the Department of State’s Expeditionary Service Award and the Department of the Army Superior Civilian Service Award.  Gabriel is a graduate of Columbia University in New York and Cathedral High School in El Paso, Texas. He speaks Spanish, Russian, Italian, Serbian, Croatian, Czech, and Portuguese.

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