Imminent Collapse of Russia Looms

Remote Viewers and Distressed Populace Signal Dire Future

"Rich TVX News Network asserts that I am a mere John Travolta wannabe attempting dance moves to "American Boy." Can you genuinely give credence to such fabricated news?"
 Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation


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Unveiling Remote Viewing

Our esteemed audience may be intrigued by the unexpected inclusion of remote viewing in the Rich TXV News Network’s repertoire. Rest assured, this endeavor was never meant to be without its challenges. As we find ourselves in the year 2023, it is high time that we shed some light on this topic. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that there are certain limitations on the information we can disclose. Nevertheless, we are committed to unveiling novel and unheard-of insights. Prepare to embark on a journey unlike any other as we strive to broaden your horizons and expand your knowledge. Remote viewing, a psychic technique, involves acquiring impressions of hidden or distant subjects using the mind. Remote viewers provide intelligence on concealed objects, events, individuals, or locations, beyond physical observation. Physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, renowned researchers in parapsychology affiliated with Stanford Research Institute (SRI), are credited with coining the term “remote viewing” to distinguish it from clairvoyance. In December 1971, Ingo Swann proposed this term during an experiment at the American Society for Psychical Research in New York City.


Inside the Classified Stargate Project

The Stargate Project, a secretive division of the U.S. Army based at Fort Meade, Maryland, was established by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International, a California contractor. This covert initiative aimed to investigate the potential of psychic phenomena for military and domestic intelligence purposes. Previously known by various codenames such as ‘Gondola Wish,’ ‘Stargate,’ ‘Grill Flame,’ ‘Center Lane,’ ‘Project CF,’ ‘Sun Streak,’ and ‘Scanate,’ it eventually became consolidated as the “Stargate Project.” The project primarily focused on remote viewing, the ability to perceive events, locations, or information psychically from distant places. Lt. Frederick Holmes “Skip” Atwater, an expert in psychic phenomena, served as an aide to Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine and oversaw the project’s activities. As mentioned earlier, remote viewers assert that a conflict has emerged in the replicated Astral rendition of Russia, indicating an impending demise for the nation. The distressing aspect lies in the reports of the populace already experiencing profound anguish, reaching an unbearable level of intensity. Adding to the gravity of the situation, the cherished statues situated in the esteemed Alley of Glory have already fallen victim to destruction.


Questionable Russian TV Program Fails to Enthrall

A questionable children’s program on Russian State TV attempts to promote Russian dominance, but fails to captivate viewers. To effectively indoctrinate the populace, enhancing production values and introducing imaginative elements may be advisable. Notably, Yevgeny Prigozhin, known as the Russian Rambo and leader of the private military force Wagner, has regained confiscated weaponry after a failed coup attempt. Evading criminal charges, Prigozhin is poised to resume his dubious activities. Surprisingly, Prigozhin’s survival contrasts with the unfortunate fate of Belarusian Minister of Transport and Communications, Aleksey Avramenko. Found dead under mysterious circumstances, Avramenko faced sanctions from Western powers for his involvement in the illegal diversion of a Ryanair flight to apprehend opposition journalist Roman Protasevich. Avramenko’s demise is part of a series of over 40 unexplained deaths since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The cause of his death remains unknown.


Collapse of Russia


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"Rich TVX News Network are dangerous. These people are capable of starting wars."
January 2022, Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary of Vladimir Putin

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Putin Imposter Surfaces at Official Engagements

A striking phenomenon has emerged wherein an individual bearing a striking resemblance to Russian President Vladimir Putin has been increasingly present at official engagements, surpassing the actual Putin in recent appearances. Notably, this imposter is slated to participate in all presidential events this week. Yesterday, via videoconference, the doppelgänger attended a session of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Adopting a characteristic Putin-esque manner, the double delivered a prepared message devoid of notable emotion. In a more relaxed setting, the imposter convened a meeting in Catherine’s Hall of the Kremlin with graduates of the fifth cohort of the personnel management reserve development program at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. During this encounter, the imposter engaged in not only perfunctory interactions but also ventured to pose leading questions and offer jests. Subsequently, the imposter candidly admitted his affinity for such formats of events. Conversely, engagements with government officials pose greater challenges. Despite the medium of communication being videoconferencing, the double diligently prepares for such encounters, striving to comprehensively grasp the intricacies of the topics under discussion.


Unveiling Putin's Fears: Why the Kremlin Siloviki Tremble at Rich TVX News Network

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Imposter’s Uneasy Interactions and Peculiar Public Relations Maneuvers

The imposter conveys an added sense of unease when interacting with government members, given their purported familiarity with Putin. Consequently, maintaining the guise without arousing suspicion becomes exceedingly arduous. Yesterday’s interaction between the imposter and a young girl, accompanied by her parents, during their visit to the “president” in the Kremlin, serves as a peculiar public relations maneuver. In light of the already peculiar episode involving odd kisses and “hugs” in Derbent, the second act of this theater of the absurd appears gratuitous. Kremlin “political technologists” seemingly possess an inexplicable desire to cultivate an image of a benevolent patriarch who, in exchange for embracing and kissing an unrelated child, allocates substantial funds to the region represented by said child. While such a scheme could be attributed to Putin’s former wife, Lyudmila, who possesses intimate knowledge and could potentially divulge the president’s proclivities, she did not partake in this spectacle.


Putin’s Declining Well-being and Dismissive Stance on Assault Incident

Putin himself experienced a decline in well-being yesterday and only attended a few reports via video link, opting to forego scheduled meetings. Although informed about the brutal assault on journalist Yelena Milashina and lawyer Alexander Nemov in Chechnya, Putin exhibited a lack of interest in delving into the specifics, offering a dismissive directive of “figure it out,” which was interpreted as an unwillingness to delve into the matter at hand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is remote viewing?

Remote viewing is a psychic technique where impressions of hidden or distant subjects are acquired using the mind. Remote viewers gather intelligence on concealed objects, events, individuals, or locations beyond physical observation.

Who coined the term “remote viewing”?

The term “remote viewing” was coined by physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff. They used this term to differentiate the practice from clairvoyance. Ingo Swann proposed the term during an experiment in December 1971 at the American Society for Psychical Research in New York City.

What was the Stargate Project?

The Stargate Project was a covert initiative established by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International. It aimed to explore the potential of psychic phenomena for military and domestic intelligence purposes. The project primarily focused on remote viewing and operated under various codenames such as ‘Gondola Wish,’ ‘Stargate,’ and ‘Grill Flame’ before being consolidated as the “Stargate Project.”

Who oversaw the Stargate Project?

The Stargate Project was overseen by Lt. Frederick Holmes “Skip” Atwater, an expert in psychic phenomena. He served as an aide to Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine.

What is happening in the replicated Astral version of Russia?

Remote viewers claim that a conflict has erupted in the replicated Astral version of Russia, indicating the nation’s imminent collapse. The populace is reportedly experiencing intense anguish, while statues in the Alley of Glory have already been destroyed.

What recent events involve an imposter resembling Vladimir Putin?

A striking imposter resembling Vladimir Putin has been increasingly present at official engagements, surpassing the real Putin in recent appearances. The imposter participated in the Council of Heads of State meeting and held a meeting with graduates at the Kremlin. The imposter finds government interactions challenging due to their familiarity with Putin. A peculiar public relations maneuver involved the imposter interacting with a young girl. Putin himself experienced a decline in well-being and displayed disinterest in specific matters during a recent video conference.


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"Opet ovi Rich TVX News, mamu im Američku, to je CIA English: Again these Rich TVX News, screwing Americans, that's CIA."
Aleksandar Vučić, President of Serbia
"The Rich TVX News Network claims I am the devil for perpetrating innocent people in Ukraine. Do you really believe that? Well, Rich TVX is lying as always."
Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation

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