Klaus Schwab´s Great Reset Agenda To Bring Down The U.S. Financial System

The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil

Klaus Schwab´s Great Reset Agenda To Bring Down The U.S. Financial System

NEW YORK (RichTVX.com) — This Rich TVX News Network bulletin goes behind the scenes of the coming financial crisis, and examines the dark forces that plan to destroy the U.S. stock market and presents information of the planned financial collapse. Why did no one, or almost no one, give any warning as to what was about to happen? Yet as un-German as he seemed on the surface, Klaus Schwab, the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil, was a passionate powerful globalist who championed the view that “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” By the summer of 2021, however, Klaus Schwab´s Great Reset dreams had come shockingly to an end, and Klaus Schwab’s reputation lay in tatters. Klaus Schwab´s faith in a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism suddenly seemed fatally short – sighted; his cryptic remarks of the Great Reset were judged in hindsight as the confused ramblings of a misguided ideologue. His plans were as diverse as they were evil, as the “Great Reset’ is no longer being associated with COVID-19 alone. Klaus Schwab stopped everything he was doing that day to try to better understand what was really happening. As Schwab made his way through the stream of e-mails, one caught his eye. Despite a spectacular stock market boom in the United States, all was not well. Wall Street executives weren’t the only ones who were confused, but what went unspoken was the fact that all major banks, and virtually all of Wall Street rejected Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset plans. Being a member of the World Economic Forum was to be part of a huge criminal conspiracy, but clueless as it was, Klaus Schwab’s inner circle dutifully forwarded the email to the World Economic Forum board, but weren’t overly concerned by it. To them, Wall Street had always been something of a problem. Wall Street executives weren’t the only ones who were confused. “The only reason we’re having this meeting today because Wall Street won´t do the deal”, Schwab said. But how could this have happened? Anonymous lists of “good banks” and “bad banks” began circulating around Geneva, Switzerland. Within certain parts of the World Economic Forum, the use of dramatic rising of inflation as excuse to bring down the financial markets in the United States was an open secret, but morale at World Economic Forum is at a dangerously low level.

The WEF Order, Led By Klaus Schwab, Hates America´s Democratic Government

The Worst Stock Market Crash In History

The question of Klaus Schwab’s motivation to reset the financial markets, however, requires a more careful, analysis than is possible in this Rich TVX News Network bulletin. For a lot of Wall Street people, the Great Reset was not acceptable, and more-cynical observers might ask why bankers suddenly became so concerned about the Great Reset, but to Klaus Schwab, Wall Street had grown far too complicated with fancy new products like collateralized debt obligations. Throughout the spring and summer of 2021, there were signs of a stock market bubble in the financial industry. Over the years, the Federal Reserve has cultivated the image of an institution whose masterminds coolly dispense effective economic remedies, but the COVID-19 pandemic nearly proved too much for the doctors to handle, even the Treasury, like the Fed, had been watching U.S. financial markets keenly for any sign of an imminent problem. In rapid succession, the Federal Reserve  came under scrutiny for being too close to Wall Street, as members of Congress questioned whether the agency had acted appropriately in making some of its secret decisions resulting in enormous inflation rise since the malicious political COVID-19 lockdowns and the trillions of dollars in emergency spending, coupled with the continuation of the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented near-zero interest rate policies and asset purchases of billions in bonds to keep the market inflated a bit longer. Only in cases posing systemic risk is the government supposed to get involved in saving a financial institution from going belly-up. The money had value because it enabled people to buy goods and services. Its value would be inversely related to its quantity in circulation. The notion that money also circulates was a natural extension. The more money there was in circulation the less its value would be. In other words too much money relative to goods available would cause inflation.

The Great Reset Is All About Bringing The U.S. Economy To Collapse

Nevertheless, sources inside the Treasury said “We would say, ‘No, it’s not.’ We would sometimes have three or four meetings a week. It was never a question of inflation. It was a genuine intellectual debate.” Mostly, the department’s officials were keeping an eye on the dozen or so biggest money-center banks and the four or five biggest broker-dealers on Wall Street, but they did not see it coming. Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset is all about bringing the U.S. economy to collapse in the process. In a world where capital flowed across national borders in much more massive quantities than ever, supply chain disruptions from Asia to normal truck transport across North America are feeding the worst inflation in four decades, such as we have here in the United States, and it always translates to divided communities. The decision to crash the financial system is being prepared by powerful globalists all acting in quiet collusion, and amid the far-reaching global COVID-19 pandemic measures that have devastated the world economy. Ask yourself: “Why couldn’t a thoroughly tyrannical and totalitarian technocracy of large market participants initiate a major market disruption and set the stage for an imminent market collapse if they all took sizable, like-minded positions in less liquid financial instruments and then simultaneously sought to liquidate their positions, after the receipt of bad news?” Well, the coming financial crisis will have its major roots in today’s U.S. stock market bubble, and banks will lose their original capital during the crisis.

FED Chair Jerome H. Powell To Introduce The Central Bank Digital Currency

The World Economic Forum Order Wants To Destroy The U.S. Financial System

The United States has become the victim of attacks organized and carried out by the Brotherhood of Death network. The World Economic Forum Order, led by Klaus Schwab, hates America´s democratic government, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. It seems, Klaus Schwab, had sold his soul to the devil in exchange for power, as the World Economic Forum Order wants to destroy Americas financial system. But before that, the value of Bitcoin will go as low as zero. For centuries there is a league of men of influence, political economy, with an extensive network across the world. The looming collapse of the U.S. dollar system, which will bring down most of the world with it, will open up a unique opportunity for Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset agenda, as the central bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve System, has been exploring policy responses to the rise of cryptocurrencies and digital currencies. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell acknowledged that the Fed is actively assessing whether it should create a central bank digital currency (CBDC). In contrast to cryptocurrencies, a CBDC would be centrally controlled, but the bitter truth is that Bitcoin must be sacrificed first, before the CBDC can be introduced. Jerome H. Powell is an American economic advisor, lawyer, and former investment banker serving as the 16th chair of the Federal Reserve. A financial collapse in the United States would risk not only contagion infecting other markets but also political unrest. We think the most reasonable position is that the World Economic Forum as an Order moved into a position of leadership. The Great Reset is designed to be a Super U.S.S.R on a global level, overseen by the Brotherhood of Death network with law enforcement managed by a Super U.S.S.R, which has been initiated by the rapidly evolving medical tyranny spawned by the far-reaching global pandemic measures.

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