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The Devil You Know — Klaus Schwab

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The Devil You Know — Klaus Schwab

NEW YORK ( — Klaus Schwab’s hand came down hard on the table. “Jawohl, meine Herrn.” The voice had taken on a rasping edge. “But the failure of our assault on them is inexcusable. Particularly after so much preparation on your part, meine Herrn.” Any movement he makes is a struggle in chaos, but Klaus Schwab shot a look of disgust at the Austrian delegates. It was a devil-may-care Klaus Schwab look, one eyebrow raised as if to say: Get it right or go to hell. “As you know, meine Herrn, under similar circumstances, others on the executive committee of the World Economic Forum organisation have paid the ultimate price.” Standing behind the windows, the executive committee of the World Economic Forum watched with fascinated horror. This time the World Economic Forum will wipe the mob from the face of this planet. Klaus Schwab´s face was pink and chubby: the face of a well—scrubbed elderly cherub. Or, Rich TVX News speculated, a devil? Well, the World Economic Forum headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, was surely haunted. There were unexplained noises. This Rich TVX News Network bulletin is assigned to smash the most evil force on earth once and for all. There’s evil here. More evil than you could dream of. It was also protected by its own evil: led by a snake, a big snake, the like of which was not seen in other parts of the world. In his worst state of fallenness he becomes Satan. “Capitalism as we know it is dead” World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab said and bounced back with a new dimension. And thus ‘stakeholder capitalism’ is needed. In this case, rather than pursuing profits, companies would “pursue the wellbeing of all people and the entire planet”. The circle of karma is a time-space continuum that operates like the primum mobile of the world. Was it possible that a new evil international non-governmental and lobbying organisation had risen, like some terrible mutated phoenix, to haunt mankind?

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World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation based in Cologny, canton of Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on 24 January 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab. The foundation, which is mostly funded by its 1,000 member companies – typically global enterprises with more than five billion US dollars in turnover – as well as public subsidies, views its own mission as “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”.The WEF is mostly known for its annual meeting at the end of January in Davos, a mountain resort in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. The meeting brings together some 3,000 paying members and selected participants – among which are investors, business leaders, political leaders, economists, celebrities and journalists – for up to five days to discuss global issues across 500 sessions. Next to Davos, the organization convenes regional conferences in locations across Africa, East Asia, Latin America, and India and holds two additional annual meetings in China and the United Arab Emirates. It furthermore produces a series of reports, engages its members in sector-specific initiatives and provides a platform for leaders from selected stakeholder groups to collaborate on multiple projects and initiatives.The Forum suggests that a globalised world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations (CSOs), which it expresses through initiatives like the “Great Reset” and the “Global Redesign”. It sees periods of global instability – such as the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic – as windows of opportunity to intensify its programmatic efforts.The World Economic Forum and its annual meeting in Davos have received criticism over the years. Issues raised about the conference and the WEF include: the public cost of security, the organization’s tax-exempt status, unclear decision processes and membership criteria, a lack of financial transparency, the environmental footprint of its annual meetings, and institutional whitewashing initiatives. As a reaction of criticism within Swiss society, the Swiss federal government decided in February 2021 to reduce its annual contributions to the WEF.