Nikola Sandulović Exposes the BIA and Vučić's Criminal Regime

The Kidnapping and Assassination Attempt on Nikola Sandulović by Vučić’s BIA, Serbia’s ‘Hitler’

BIA Assault on Sandulović Exposes Vučić’s Reign of Terror

Tyranny in Serbia

Recent developments in Serbia have underscored the ascent of individuals exhibiting traits of grandiosity, paranoia, and despotism. Aleksandar Vučić, characterized by a tyrannical and manic-depressive personality, has ascended to power through manipulation and coercion. His insatiable thirst for authority has been compounded by deeply paranoid convictions. Due to the Christmas period and in consideration of maintaining decorum, we will refrain from mentioning US Ambassador Christopher R. Hill.

Vučić’s Tito Delusion

Vučić’s delusional self-perception as the modern incarnation of Josip Broz Tito—a figure of supreme importance—drives a dangerous disregard for human life. Viewing others as expendable, he demonstrates a willingness to sanction large-scale violence in pursuit of his ambitions. In one particularly egregious incident, Vučić, reportedly under the influence of heavy medication, sanctioned actions targeting Nikola Sandulović.

Nikola Sandulović Targeted

Nikola Sandulović, widely regarded as Serbia’s sole credible opposition leader and a logical contender for the presidency, became the victim of an orchestrated abduction and brutal assault. This operation, executed by the BIA (Serbia’s intelligence agency), was reportedly authorized by Vučić himself, with key orchestration by Aleksandar Vulin. The attempted assassination of Sandulović exemplifies the regime’s reliance on threats, brutality, and terror to consolidate power.


Vučić’s Betrayal

Aleksandar Vučić’s governance transcends mere authoritarianism; it embodies betrayal and criminality. His actions have not only undermined Serbia’s sovereignty but have also tainted the office of the presidency. Furthermore, Vučić operates in close alliance with Milorad Dodik, serving as a proxy for Vladimir Putin’s regime. Together, they are complicit in ongoing atrocities in Ukraine, actions that reflect a profound disregard for human life and international law.

Vučić’s Fragile Regime

Vučić’s regime is weakened by his reliance on incompetent aides, as loyalty is prioritized over ability, leaving a fragile inner circle. Despite Serbia’s limited resources, Vučić’s unchecked autocratic methods pose global risks, drawing parallels to dictators like Hitler and Putin. This highlights broader threats to international stability and U.S. security.

Paranoid Tyrant

The rise of grandiose, paranoid tyrants like Vučić highlights the need for early identification and intervention. The press conference, titled The Truth About the Kidnapping, Torture, and Attempted Assassination of Republican Party President Nikola Sandulović by the BIA, was held last Friday at the Press Center in Belgrade.

Watch Now: Press Conference at the Press Center, Belgrade